Women career
Women's careers and their new dimensions. Do you know why career rules and advice for men will never work for us?
Hormones. Men have a stable hormonal background every day. They wake up daily with the same level of energy, while we are completely dependent on our menstrual phase. Align your tasks and work schedule with your cycle, and happiness will follow. This isn’t a weakness, it’s a superpower. Energy comes and goes, but if you use it at the right time, the results will be impressive.
Society expects us to maintain a perfect balance in all aspects of our lives. Work, house, motherhood, beauty, education — all at once, while men face none of these expectations. For a working woman, there’s an additional full-time, unpaid job: the household. Creating comfort, raising children — it all takes a lot of energy. Preparing dinner or helping kids with homework may seem simple, but it demands attention and effort, which might already be spent on work and career.
Careers. We are softer and more empathetic than men. That’s why we often choose paths rooted in ethics, communication, and mutual benefit. We build “in flow,” creating businesses that are, first and foremost, comfortable for us. But as soon as a woman chooses a tough, aggressive approach, people start comparing her to men. “She’s got balls of steel.” And it’s not a compliment. Men, on the other hand, are praised for the same strategy.
And then comes the hardest part. Women face the choice: build a career or have children. You invest in yourself, develop your business, earn money, and then one day, you visit the doctor at 40, and they tell you: “You no longer have viable eggs.” The fairy tale ends before it even begins.
Yes, a woman should be soft and flexible, but softness doesn’t mean weakness. We’re not obligated to meet anyone else’s expectations. Set your own pace, protect your personal space, and stay true to yourself.
This is why I never use successful men as role models, BUT women who manage to excel not only in their careers but in other aspects of life as well. A woman’s strength isn’t in playing by men’s rules. It’s in creating her own.

Karina Kataeva
UGC content creator, fashiondigger, seeker for aesthetic